On hook St Georges Harbour 12:02.6N 61:45.4W

Sue & Alan
Sat 1 Feb 2014 12:26
Today we're planning on a little passage N'wards towards Tyrell Bay, Carriacou (a small island about 20NM to N of and is dependency of Grenada) where we will have to check-out before moving further N next day or maybe day after.
Been swimming quite a lot. Mostly to remove the nice bright green beard we have acquired along our waterline. It's been a bit of a bugger to get off whilst treading water. I tried sitting on a fender - an unsuccessful farce soon realising I am no match for a fender which refuses to be sat-on and pops-up with vigour on every attempt. Come to think of it I never really got close to sitting on it but came very close to needing some undercarriage repairs when the line caught me crinklies as the fender leapt from the water like a cruise missile. I'm not going there again and will stick to treading water for the final session of beard trimming.
Before receiving the call to collect our intrepid shop & bank explorers me thinks "Better take all this washing in, just in case it rains on it whilst I'm ashore getting them." (Knowing I would be picking them up from a bar and having a tincy-wincy rum punch). Naturally, when back on the yacht when commenting on the two piles of neatly folded, dry, clean washing on the saloon table I was able to say "It's probably the only opportunity I'll have to get to handle Sandra's knickers and bras!" Very tasteful too and you don't get opportunities like this every day of the week either!
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 29/01/2014 14:21 UT our position was 12°00.01'N 061°44.97'W