2 days shopping Gibraltar 36:08N 005:21W

Sue & Alan
Fri 27 Sep 2013 16:19
Since arriving Wednesday evening, Sue has been to Morrisons 3 times (me just the once) and we both visited Euroski (Spanish supermarket by the airport) this morning - they offer to deliver all our beer, tonic water, wine & orange juice free tomorrow! We're now 'provisioned to the better' including lots of ice-cream. Another yacht returned to the marina yesterday saying 'seas outside the Straight were horrendous' so they, along with several other yachts, rightly abandoned a passage towards Rabat and came back to their starting place. This morning me thinks 'Better have a look at what's happening with the weather in the Atlantic'. No chance of us setting-off towards Porto Santo for time being. There is a deep Low to the W of Finisterre delivering strong SW'lys where we will be heading - not nice!!!! Fortunately looks like a High might start shoving the Low N-wards and (selfishly) we might get more favourable winds in few days. In meantime we can shop until Sue drops and I can resume busying myself doing more Ticketeeboo jobs. (There is always something needs doing on a yacht).
We now have new set of flares, which we hope never to need to use. Another of one of those 'safety gear' investments we never want the benefit of! Another being the recent liferaft service, new EPIRB (GPS) and pair of rather posh half-price lifejackets bearing 'RYA instructor labels. (We advertising to save 50% but no training on Ticketeeboo though!).