Bye bye Barbados - underway towards Grenada 13:01 N 59:44 W

Sue & Alan
Tue 28 Jan 2014 18:09
Ray was held-up couple of hours whilst awaiting for the hire car to be delivered. Sandra flew in to Barbados just about on time and Sue, due in an hour later, was held up (detained) by Customs/Immigration because a lady officer would not accept letting Sue enter her country without a return flight ticket. In fact, she asked Sue to go buy a return flight ticket before letting her in. Eventually, after a couple of hours of questioning (just before the strip search might have begun) Sue was allowed to go get Ray and he was able to vouch for her. Needless to say, Sue was not a happy bunny when the ferryman arrived to bring all from the Careenage to Ticketeeboo in the dark and heavy rain. Of course, I was very patient and made sure I did nothing to add to her stressful disposition. It didn't help with her sneezing, runny nose, inability to sleep whilst rolling about and knowing being unable to see Grandkiddies for next couple of months. Hence, I simply kept quiet (most) of the time!!!
Hire car was put to good use next day. Chauffeur Ray id a grand job keeping us safe, in a car with almost bald tyres on pot-'oley roads in several downpours. We passed several supermarkets and none of them compared to the one Sandra & Sue though they saw on way from the airport. The evening meal came & went. Sue & I fell asleep in the cockpit (much to Sandra & Ray's amusement, and everyone hit the sack by about half nine - sooooooooooooow late!
Up this morning just after six. Sue & Sandra have prepared some meals for the passage whilst Ray & I nipped ashore for another load of filleted flying fish and few groceries and to give the hire car back. Dindinz then up-hook and underway towards Grenada. A little passage aprox 145NM, expected to take up to 24 hours. Presently eating the miles at 7kn and just getting a decent roll-in. Sandra has just called one of us "You bugger!!" All things being equal, this time tomorrow we could be on the hook in a swell-free flat calm bay called Mount Hartman Bay, as recommended this morning by Trudy & David s/y Persephone. They also mentioned George's moorings in 'Survival Bay' suitably named after he survived Hurricane Ivor!
Norra lot more to say except the girls are now being introduced to the Atlantic swell and we don't have the best of it yet (giggle giggle)!
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 25/01/2014 15:36 UT our position was 13°01'N 059°44'W