Gibraltar 36:08N 005:21W

Sue & Alan
Wed 22 Oct 2014 22:00
Our early arrival at Gibraltar was a good opportunity to fuel-up (or so we thought?). As we approached the fuel pontoon we were first directed where to berth - only to be told "We're closed". Then proceeded onto another fuel station berth - only to be told exact same thing! Apparently, in Gibraltar they are only allowed to sell fuel until 6 o'clock. In our case we were still on Portuguese time and it was only just 5 o'clock. Unfortunately it made no difference so march-on Mc Duff and into Queensway Quay Marina, where the wind happens to be blowing from the south. We berthed exactly where we were told to, a tricky series of manoeuvrers where any mistake could be costly (specially when our bow-thruster is presently needing repair). All done to perfection, only to discover they had told us to berth in wrong place, hence off we go again, just to prove first time was not just good-luck? A very good job we added extra mooring lines though because whilst we were ashore scoffing guess what?
Wind unexpectedly begins to howl. Restaurant seats, tables, decorations, table cloths and everything imaginable take to the air! When we get back to Ticketeeboo, Sue steps on our pasarelle, end of pasarelle slips off pontoon, pasarelle becomes un-fastened to yacht and Sue goes in water! Some minor cuts and bruises for Sue, first time ever, fortunately mostly wet clothes and no lasting damage to talk about. At this moment the wind is gusting nastily (totally unexpected) yacht's dancing about, Sue's changed out of her wet clothes and all is well.
So Gibraltar (2013) to Gibraltar (2014) has been a good 12 months and 9,500NM to Caribbean and back, visiting many different and interesting places where the sun can shine, wind can blow and rain can fall. Now time to catch-up a little and sort what needs doing next! xxxxxxx
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 21/10/2014 23:14 UT our position was 36°28.45'N 006°56.72'W