Port Augusta - Nisos Arki 37:22.9N 26:44.2E

Sue & Alan
Sun 15 May 2016 15:23
Five years since we last visited here and doesn't seem to have changed a bit. Super sail, in the wet, just 8NM with mostly following winds so only needing reefed genoa. It started raining within quarter of an hour after departing Lipso and we did start to wonder how me missed seeing it coming? Nevertheless the sail was enjoyable and we decided on keeping to our original plan to enter and tie-back here on Arki, where we last visited in 2011. Thing is here, you only know if there's room to berth when you round the corner and get eyeball on the quay. We'd decided if no room 'at the inn' we would drop hook with enough protection from the present S'ly winds. With room available we were able to fit snugly between couple other yachts, once they realised we were gonna berth with or without them removing their dinghies!
The S'lies we're presently being dealt means we have wind directly on our bow so we're relying on our hook keeping firm grip. And it is. We have 75m chain and less than 4m depths so we're not expecting it to come out until we want it to - and even then we expect it to take some budging 'cause we made sure it was firmly dug-in during our approach.