Gordons alive! 17:59N 042:09W

Sue & Alan
Mon 13 Jan 2014 06:32
seen distant squalls during the day and when squalls are about the sea can become more disturbed. We've had lots worse so what's the bother. By 0300 Ray's concerned. He tells me we have been seeing over 30kn wind and the seas are kicking us about and we've had masses of rain and he was amazed I was still asleep! Now, there's a massive squall showing up on our radar and we're closing on it and we need to do something with our pole, which is still deployed in readiness for some more downwind sailing (when the wind picks up some time in the future!!!!). Ray's right, we need to get the pole in and safest way to do this is to run down-wind, which means steering into this poohey squawl. Planning meeting ensues........ straight our of the sack, gybe, on deck, pole away, tack, genoa out (well reefed for storm conditions on stb'd tack) donkusoffus (yippee we're sailing again) and there she blows!!! Ray has all the fun on his watch. So now we're sailing, almost in the right direction too, l
ittle bumpy (as has become our norm). Dark (even the moon has gone to bed). Been through a yacht-wash .......... for free! Almost quiet, save for the noise outside and sound of our autopilot motor going zzzzzzz, zeeeeeeee, zzzzzzz, zeee........ and we're sailing! In the comfort of the saloon and now in dry clothing without the chaotic movement it's quite comfortable. With sail up it's a good as it gets. Trade-wind sailing is certainly different and can be a little wild when least expected so now we expect it from time to time and it can be fun. All's well onboard.
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham = m0hng
At 13/01/2014 06:26 (utc) our position was 17°59.13'N 042°09.46'W