Skopolos Town 39:07.40N 23:43.88E

Sue & Alan
Tue 20 Sep 2016 14:38

Since our last entry we've obviously been too busy enjoying ourselves 'cause I can see it's almost a week ago?
After Ormos Atlantis we had couple days tied to the quay at Orio (one of the best places we've visited). Then moved on towards Skiathos, where we dropped hook just to the side of the airport runway approaches - not a place for the feint-hearted although we did enjoy waving to the pilots close by. Just one night Skiathos then spent lovely quiet night on hook at Loutraki! Skopolos. Lovely it was until just after 8 a.m. when the wind unexpextedly started to build-up from the SW. The very direction to put us on a lee-shore. By 9 o'clock it became bit energetic and by 10 o'clock t'was time to go somewhere else. We didn't have it that bad because we (our hook) were well dug-in, just bit lively.  With a forecast indicating might quieten down until early hours next morning rhen come back with a vengance, we decided to move round the island and now here in Skopolos Town. Blew bit of a hoolie early evening and has been reasonably settles since. With 360° protection here it's well worth the mooring fee for couple nights peace and quiet.
This afternoon we've topped up supplies and enjoyed local gyros (again). Tonight we're invited by Sailing Holidays leag crew to join them for a quiz-night. Sue's swatting-up!
Pleased to report we is ticketeeboo on Ticketeeboo and hoping long may this continue. Fridge repairs continie to prove successful, as well water-maker motor.
Love to R S M & T and J F P & S xxxx

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