Day 2, towards Azores 34:04N 059:08W

Sue & Alan
Sun 18 May 2014 15:02
Noon, Sunday 18th May 2014.
In position 34:04N 059:08W COG 085(T) SOG varying 6.5kn close-hauled Wind NW F4-5
Flores, Azores is 069º(T) 1,385NM Dist Run by log in last 25½ hours 173NM Dist made good towards Flores 171NM
Last 24 hours has been one heck of a sail in some of the most energetic conditions imaginable. Not unsafe, just energetic, bumpy and noisy. We've had winds from N semicircle, which increased as they backed from F3 to F6. Presently we have NE'ly F5 which means we're seeing a very nice beam reach for which we have 3 reefed genoa and 3 reefed mainsl. Winds are expected to back further over next 24 hours, which is likely to result in us wanting to take main in completely and show bit more genoa. It's been lively throughout the night when we were under reefed jib and 3 reefed mainsl close reaching port tack. Mike kept us on course during his 9-12 watch and I took over for the 12-3. Annie took over from me for her 3-6 watch and was already joined by Mike when I left my sack to sort a preventer on our boom, when I heard it bang twice. Not the best way to start the day, on a cold, wet windy morning in a very unpredictably bouncy sea with 4 - 5m swell coming from two directions! An hour later
, having checked latest weather gribs and Atlantic Met IV forecasts, decided to put jib away & show 3 reefed genoa. Now sailing along very nicely, little less bumpy averaging 7kn. Very nice too. Mike feels bit sicky but hasn't thrown-up. Annie seems fine. All three of us are taking great care not to fall-over or bump into anything whilst we're getting bounced about.
I put a wash on overnight, which is hung to dry inside because there's too much spray about for the clothes to dry, free of salt.
Had no complaints from the deep so must assume the bottom-feeders are happy with the frying pan we've donated to the Davy Jones locker. (Sue say's new replacement already purchased and packed ready to come out!)
Our outside temperature is now just 21ºC, much cooler than of late and the sea temperature is now just 19ºC. Very cool compared to Caribbean waters 28ºC. Not going swimming in these temperatures. If we get becalmed, Annie & Mike might and if they do I'll stay on guard, on board, with spear gun at the ready!!!
Love to Sue. Have great Birthday celebrations (and cake) with family H & Freya xxxxx
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 18/05/2014 14:49 UT our position was 34°04'N 059°08'W