Om hool Killini 37:56.0N 21:09.1E

Sue & Alan
Thu 24 May 2012 17:52
wind was showing signs of backing slightly making Zanti a lot more
tacks and Killine a beautiful close-haul and possibly even a lose
reach. Als latest weather forecasts indicate more settled overnight in
Killina. "No brainer" in the words of our highly intelligent son,
Michael. Killimi is justinside Gulf of Aspatria and there are some
very dangerous above and below waerline rocks on way round. Hence kept
well away from these nasties! Another great day with some lively
sailing again. Email from Jan and Pete s/y His and Hers, who are on
the hook in Kekova, informing me watching progress on AIS. eg Jans
surname is 'Darling' and Jan definately is as well!
There's to big ferry ships entered since I came in less than an hour
ago. Whilst appearing threatening I'm pleased to be well out of their
way in shallow water. I do not wish to muck-about with these big
things. Haven'tdecided on toworrows destination, which is sure to be
one of Sue and I old haunts in N Ionian. Me thinks I just might do a
variation on last night's tea (dinner if yeah's posh). The No.2 Greek
sausage is already cooked last night. It was good then and will be
tonight too. Bon apetite my Lover xxxxxx