Nisos Levitha 37:00.1N 26:28.1E

Sue & Alan
Sun 8 May 2016 09:00
Astipalaia towards Livitha is only about 22NM (as the crow flies) but we ended-up doing a cute 34NM tacking close-hauled into wind. Quite enjoyable really because we didn't see anything stringer than an F5 and when our boat speed reached 7kn we simply reefed to secure 6kn more comfortably.
As we closed on the Levitha we were picking-up a vessel on AIS  doing 9kn, initially heading straight for us on a reciprocal course, just couldn't get eyeball on it. After a while the vessel turned towards same destination and it's MMSI revealed it's a UK registered vessel. At about 2Nm I could get eyeball on it and it looked like it could be a Discovery 55? Quick revisit to the AIS told me it was our good friend Godfrey and Eva on s/y Talia, so I called, to his surprise. We followed their track into the protected bay and with no buoys left available we dropped hook and they assisted putting long-line ashore. We enjoyed super mid-afternoon lunch/dinner with Godfrey & Eva and their friends from UK and Turkiye. They moved-on, we stayed the night and very peaceful it was too.
The taverna owners were telling us their family has 'farmed' Nisos Levitha for 300 years. They grow almost everything they serve, goats, sheep, vegetables and fruit. The fish they catch!. When the water runs out they pay for a water tanker to visit and entirely rely on windy-power and solar-power. Great place to visit. Very peaceful. Gem of a small island.
After a restful quiet overnight we wanted to move-on towards Nisos Leros to see if we can get our fridge problem fixed?