Ayios Yeorylos, Nisos Iraklia 36:51.8N 25:28.2E

Sue & Alan
Thu 17 May 2012 14:28
the Med. Today is the exception. 53NM mostly close-hauled F5 and 6
making it a lively 8 hours just lovely. This is another gem of a
harbour. There's another yacht sterns to on the beach-side of the
ferry quay. I prefer to be on the hook because this is unfussed! There
was a stinkpot on the hook and soon as it went I took the opportunity
to drop my hook further into the byte where I have a little more
swiging room. One Dodecanese Ferry has already called and Ticketeeboo
is little when these things come close!
Hoping for a similar passage tomorrow towards Nisos Milos. At the
moment westerlies are forecast which puts wind on my nose needing to
tack lots. We'll see? Some nasty storms in the Ionian so will need to
keep watchful attention because the Low is heading E towards these
parts. My immediate thoughts, however is 'How close is Ticketeeboo
swinging towaards this concrete ferrt quay?' I've put 40m chain out in
5m of water sp might be good idea to take 10m otherwise I'll need
fenders out and we'll look like a poor attempt atberthing sterns-to!
Have a choice for dinner tonight. Option a = Greek sausage leftovers
dish from two nights ago or Option b = spiced mince leftovers from
last night? Suppose I better eat oldest first becuse with just me oon
board cand risk dose of Turkiye Revenge like Ray on Straagem t'other
Getting closer to final pages Long Walk to Freedom. What a guy/total
admiration! Who bought me this book?
It's tn past five so it's already gone six O'clock 15 deg east of here
so i must be time for a G and T. On a dry yacht too!
Tattybye for now My Lover xxxxxx