Moving on after St Lucia

Sue & Alan
Fri 14 Feb 2014 17:39
After lunch we re-visited our favorite local supermarket, where we completed our provisioning to get us through next couple of weeks without needing to visit other shops as a priority. At three I'm off ashore again, this time to collect our repaired Genoa from Kenny (Rodney Bay Sails). As promised Kenny was ready for me, job done. THis time I had to re-visit the local bank to draw more dosh because the cost to repair our genoa is much higher. AS Kenny says "It needed lots more sewing, from head to clew & clew to tack to fix the UV strip back in place. Getting this whopping big sail back on to Ticketeeboo is another matter. This time nobody offered a hand to get the hunk of a sail into our RIB. Me, muscle man extraordinary had to do this bit on my own. The most interesting part being when I literally 'dropped' the whoe thing into the RIB because I dare sent try to do it gently, for fear of falling in! When it landed the RIB took the shock-load perfectly and no damage whatsoever. Once
back on Ticketeeboo we were joined by Madaline (AKA Natali) and Roy, s/y Mithril (AKA Mistrel). The AKA's are what I thought I'd heard on the SSB during our recent ocean crossings. As usual, Sue remembered them from when we first met in Greece couple years ago. I remember Madeline & & Roy now too!!!! They were passing to go shopping and joined us for a brew. After they left, and just before dark, I decided we would hoist our repaired genoa. The wind was about 14/15 kn and I wanted less than 10 kn to hoist it safely. We waited, the wind dropped a little and now it's up, yeah! Kenny appears to have done a great job. Unfortunately there is a section he's missed, where our leech line block-arrangement is covered. I can do this by hand and would have preferred to sew it up before hoisting. With it getting dark I made a decision to get the sail back up and deal with the outstanding stitching when it is more convenient. Maybe one day when we're on the hook in next few days.
Friday 14th.... Up early after another peaceful night (because we couldn't hear the dogs barking when below!). Alongside the fuel pontoon for 0800 prompt. Diesel fully replenished as well petrol for outboard. On hook astern of Madaline & Roy s/c Mithril. Fresh breeze up to 20kn and clear waters so making water and catching up on some laundry for hour or so this morning. Fuel here is pretty good. Worked-out at just over £140 for 206L, which is about 70p/litre therefore least we've paid since Gibraltar. Been ashore to get some waxed sail-thread off Kenny and enjoyed final iced-cafe-latte + 'slowest internet in the Caribbean' at Cafe Ole (but the spicy tuna baguette went down a treat!). This afternoon, what's left of it, is for lazing and then helping a friend see if their SSB transmitted signal strength can be improved.
Looking at an early start in morning, heading towards Martinique for a bit more R&R Caribbean style. In meantime its Valentines Day and I wanna be 'm gonna get massacred by Sue again) xxxx
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 12/02/2014 15:30 UT our position was 14°04.31'N 060°57.14'W