Santa Cruz -Tenerife 28:28.1N 16:14.6W

Sue & Alan
Wed 6 Nov 2013 23:45
Completed lovely sail, progressively reefing down once 20NM from coast of Tenerife as the wind acceleration zone progressively kicked-in. Now tied to land for a wee while and intending to visit the local touristy attractions during next few days.
Few miles from the coast Sue shouted "Come & look at this!" It was a whale, which was rather close, less than half a boat length away as we passed each other. By the time I was in the cockpit the whale was astern of us taking a second peep and probably thinking to itself either "Where did that silly bugger come from?" or "Stupid yacht!" Thankfully it did not appear to be one of many and there were no mysterious bumps to worry about. In any event it's not worth worrying about because it missed and there could be umpteen more near-misses in the dark, which we will never know about. Wonderful to see another whale although best to be a little further apart in future. No pics because by the time I had my mitts on our camera we were too far away to impress ourselves or anyone else.
Main news of the day................... pleased to report s/y Temptress of Down has been tracked by AIS and internet pages show she appears to be entering Puerto Calero Lanzarote, under tow by Spanish MRCC vessel.