Making hay in the sunshine

Ticketeeboo's looking good and nearly dressed for ready to go. Busy first day on board yesterday. Sue was like a squirrel collecting nuts busily relay shopping on her bike between favourite food shops and yacht. Even found a previously unknown Carrefore supermarket ànd couldn't believe we had never seen it before. Went on to say we'd never been dows that street in howmany years? For my part everything topsides is nice and clean. Towards end of the day, with very little windies, we decided to see how far we could get putting genoa ans jib sails back on. Just before dark we were well chuffed, both sails on and furled. End of a real good productive day. Finished it off with pork pie, egg and chips. A rarity in these parts. Whilst always plentý jobs on todo list we're making gòd headway àiming for a timely Sunday kick-off. The day our berthing contract expires otherwise we go on a significantly more costly day-rate......... and we don't want that!
We're presently being blessed with clear sunny skies and temperatures worthy of mid-summer UK (on an exceptionally good day). Almost no tourists though and plenty roumers of there being little or no increase in visiting tourists for the next month.