On passage towards Nisos Othoni 39:49N 19:45E

Sue & Alan
Sat 29 Sep 2012 10:28
We we're sure if the taxi pick-up would arrive at half nine so we were ten minutes or so ahead of the game and he arrived early. Sue, suitably equipped with a couple of tissues departed and I'm now yacht-alone for a little while. Presently just leaving the north coast of Corfu to port and heading towards an overnight anchorage on the south side of Nisos Othoni steering due west. On the donk, pretty pointless trying to sail with 3 - 4 kts of wind 'on the nose'. Weather seems very settled, touch-wood! Decision as to head for nearest landfall in Italy or whether to do one or two over-nights towards Marina di Ragusa, SE Sicily will depend on the wind I actually get. If I daysail it's about 400 NM and shortest distance overground is about 300 NM. I having to donk all or most of the way I'll probably go for the shortest.
Sue now on "Squeezey Jet" on way towards Manchester and looking forward to being home with the Grandchildren, Sophie, Freya & Seth and their parents. Hoping Rachel holds out another day or so before Grandchild performs a timely arrival! Love to all, especially My Lover xxxxx