Cocos Keeling

Phil May and Andrea Twigg
Wed 26 Sep 2012 08:41
12:05.5S  096:52.9E
We arrived at Cocos Keeling early yesterday morning, at 00:33 local time.  Arriving at that time meant anchoring in the dark, but the ARC provided a set of waypoints to take us through the entrance to the atoll and into the anchorage, plus there was some moonlight which made it fairly easy to see other boats when inside the anchorage.  Even so it was a bit nerve racking, with 20 knot wind blowing us sideways as we steered through the boats looking for a place to drop anchor. 
It is always interesting after a night anchorage to wake up in the morning and see just how close you got to anchoring on a reef.  In this case we were lucky enough to pick a good sandy spot well away from any obstacles, so we do not even have to re-anchor in a better place.
Here are the views that greeted us when we woke up.