Reunion to South Africa - Day 4

Phil May and Andrea Twigg
Wed 7 Nov 2012 17:21
27:04.5S 041:59.5E 870 miles covered,
540 to go
Andrea has been bored today, which means she
oscillates between bursts of productivity, and bouts of craziness. She
took a walk around the deck looking for things that needed changing/fixing,
finding some useful things but, more importantly, having fun waiting
until I had settled down and then dragging me out once more to inspect
something else. She stooped to reading Estella's trashy magazines that
Caroline (Peat Smoke) gave us before we left Reunion. She spent some time moulding a bit of blue tack into little
animal forms before finally sticking it to her nose and declaring she
was a warty witch.
Bertie joined in the spirit of the day, declaring
at dinner that his dessert (rice pudding and oranges) was making a noise.
He listened closely to it, while we all watched, wondering what was going
on. When quizzed on what it was, he said he didn't know because he
doesn't speak Mandarin.
Right now the crew have cracked open
the box of "Dino Hands", stick on hand
puppets that we have carried with us from France ready for just
such an occasion.
Sailing? Downwind with
the parasailor up and the autohelm in control, it is more like
travelling on a cruise liner than making our own intrepid way across the Indian
Ocean. Except on a cruise liner Andrea could probably find
other diversions to keep her amused.