The Manager's Cocktail Party

Phil May and Andrea Twigg
Wed 14 Dec 2011 23:08
Our first week in St Lucia has been a period of adjusting to island time.  There are a few repairs to do on the boat, but they don't have to be done right away so we are doing a bit at a time and then chilling out for the rest of the day.  It is tough having to choose between the beach and the cocktail bar, so generally we don't try and choose - we go to the beach first and then watch the sun go down from Spinnakers bar, during happy hour when cocktails are "two for one".
Here is the view from Spinnakers of the sun going down.  Taken by Ian - note the foreground interest to complement the sunset.
It is not all just sitting around relaxing.  We do have to do our bit to boost the numbers at the parties.  Last night was the marina manager's cocktail party with free food and drink, and a carnival theme with accessories provided.
The marina manager is an Aussie who can party with the best.  He made an excellent speech.  "You bastards have just sailed across the Atlantic and you don't want to listen to any speeches.  Just celebrate by drinking everything we have."  The only slight problem was that everything ran out except the rum, so in the end we had to just drink the rum neat.  Not the biggest problem we have faced.
Andrea took quite a few photos, but we look really sozzled in most of them.  This was the best we could find.  You should focus on the headdresses and not the glazed looks.
A shame Denise and Ian had to fly back in the morning.  Denise would have liked the party (not that I am in any way suggesting she is a "party animal" you understand).