Back in Soufriere bay
Phil May and Andrea Twigg
Thu 22 Dec 2011 23:35
13:51.43N 61:03.75W
With a good wind angle for the return trip from
Soufriere we averaged about 10 knots and got back just before dark, to anchor
off the shore by the Hummingbird restaurant. We had some help with the
shoreline from a water taxi, who then got upset when I told them we had already
arranged the previous day with another water taxi to go sightseeing. The
driver said he was upset because it is the taxi that helps you moor that
should get your custom. I told him I was upset because I just wanted to
moor and did not want any hassle from him, so he should take the customary 15
EC fee and go away. In the end I lost my temper and shouted at
him and he did go away, but Bertie reckoned he would be back in the night to cut
our lines.
We took Daniel to the Hummingbird for his
first dinner on the island. Before we left Anastasia we put up our
Christmas lights, partly to be festive and partly because they light up the deck
and we thought it would deter the taxi driver with a grudge, or anyone else who
thought about some petty theft.
It was dark and raining by the time we got to
the dinghy dock, but even so a figure materialized from the darkness to help us
tie up and point out the gaping holes in the dock planking to be
avoided. He wanted 30 EC for helping, which
was just trying it on. I gave him 15 EC, which I had to borrow from
our waitress because I had run out of change. It is quite a challenge
always having 10 or 15 EC spare in your pocket to pay for minor services
We didn't get our lines cut, but we did get eaten
by mosquitoes during the night. The Hummingbird anchorage is just too near
to shore to get away from the insects. We are going to move in the