Happy New Year

Phil May and Andrea Twigg
Mon 2 Jan 2012 13:55
It is the 2nd of January and time to get back to work preparing Anastasia for her next voyage, to the San Blas islands and Panama.  Today is registration and safety check day for the World ARC.  The checks should be OK since the requirements are the same as for the Atlantic ARC. 
It looks like there will be 33 boats leaving St Lucia.  We go through the Panama canal in three groups spread over a few days.  We are scheduled to go through with the first group, although presumably it all depends on when we arrive in Colon. 
It is one of the "English summer" days you get here occasionally (grey, blustery and drizzly) although the temperature is 25 degrees, so perhaps it is still a bit more pleasant than Blackpool in the rain.  A good temperature for working, although I don't think we will be going up the mast today. 
Yesterday we had a visit from Graham Payne, the guy that sold me all his pilot books following the 2010 World ARC.  He and his wife are planning on going round again in a couple of years and he would like first refusal on the books, if I want to sell them when we get back.  He told us there is one boat on our ARC that was on the 2010 ARC and just signed up to go round again.
Andrea has just surfaced and informed me that she got as far as chapter 16 of her audio book but the iPod is on chapter 36.  Sometimes she manages to fall asleep simply trying to find the place in the book where she last fell asleep.  I did a quick Google for a "dead man's switch", which would need pressing every few minutes to keep the iPod going, but there doesn't seem to be anything available except an open source hardware project and I don't have the spare time right now to build an electronic device.  Maybe later when everything on the boat is working flawlessly (ha).