Tatt av vinden - 26 hours out from Niue towards Vavau

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Wed 26 Sep 2018 22:04
Position: 18:46.2 S 172:12.2 W
All well.
Sailed for 16 hours, now back to motor and genoa. Light wind E.
Weather: Absolutely no clouds, not even in the far horizon. That is
During the night: 19-20 kn of wind SE. Nice weather. But no comfort in the
116 nm to go to the warf in Neiafu.
I do not think that I mentioned it before: On the way to Niue, the shaft of
the Hidrovane broke off! The rudder itself was secured so I retrieved it from
the sea. Now I try to get a new shaft sent to Nukualofa, so the windstearing
will be intact for the crossing to New Zealand. Sarah at Hydrovane tells that
they now make the shafts from a much higher grade of steel. The one that broke
was 316 stainless steel. Obviously not good enough.
Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow will be Friday. So we shall never have
Thursday 27th September 2018! Tonga is on the other side...
To Kea: Thank you for very valuable information! Thor, you know exactly
what a sailor needs when arriving in a new harbour!
To Summer: We really appreciate your concideration for us!