
Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Fri 26 Sep 2008 17:18
would be an opening today, but we have had postpone it till Monday morning.
On Monday it looks as if good NE winds will dominate the area. Probably we
will go then, together with two German boats, also heading for Las Palmas
and partisipation in the ARC.
Gibraltar is ok. One of the restuarants in the marina serves the best fillet
steak in the Mediterranian. Yesterday we had it. (Or to be more accurate:
Bjørn had it. Eva is not a great fan of beef.)
We experience that summer has gone here now. The days may still be warm, but
night temperatures now frequently are below 20 degrees. And the nights are
longer. (Just now day and night are almost the same all over the world.)
Here in Gibraltar we are on central European time (as Oslo), but we are 15
degrees further west. This means that sunset and sunrize occur one hour
later. A little after eight aclock in the evening and in the morning.
We look forward to reach the Canaries. Our plan is to make the first lanfall
in Lanzarote, probably the 5. October. We plan to be in Las Palmas 15.
This update is in English. From now there will be a mixture of Norwegian and
We also planned to launch an English version of our website to day, but
there are some problems with the internetconnection, and we have not been
able to do that. More important, maybe, those of you who are interested in
new pictures, must also wait for the new update. It seems it will have to
wait till we are in the Canaries.