New season - new adventures

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Fri 19 Jan 2018 11:34
Tomorrow – Saturday – Bjørn shall be in Shelter Bay and start the
preparations for the Pacific sailing. Of coarse the preparations started long
ago, but now the time has come to get “Tatt av vinden” ship shape and ready for
the Panama canal and for the Pacific. Four weeks of work. Then Bjørn goes to San
Francisco, where he meets with Eva. Eva will then have retired from work. A
strange feeling, but welcome – to both of us. In San Francisco we will visit
Maria, Robert and Eva’s grand daughter, Matilde. After a week we fly to Shelter
Bay and start provisioning. About a week later, around the 5. March we shall
hopefully be ready for the big jump: Transiting the Panama canal. This is called
the point of no return. Once on the other side it is only going west.
Gregor will meet us on the Pacific side, in Panama City. Then it is off to
Galapagos. We are thrilled.
We shall give reports here in the blog, all the way, and when internet
connections permit it, we shall post pictures in the Pictures
section. |