31:33.0N 45:18.0W - Tatt av vinden 1200 UTC 200509
Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Wed 20 May 2009 14:30
COG/SOG/Motor: 45/ 6,5/ 8 h last 24 hours
Wind last two hours: 16-18 kn 110 - 130 degrees
Squalls/max wind: Max wind 25 kn. Heavy showers. Between 0900 and 1030 UTC
One heavy squall. 25 - 30 kn. Max 35 kn. Heavy rain.
Pressure: 1019 mb.
Clouds: Cumulus, higher: Some clouds
Weather/wind/sea last 24h: Heavy showers and rain yesterday. First part of
the night was fine. Wind 16 kn 130-140 degrees The second part showerws and
rain. 18 kn wind.
Waveheight: 1,5m - 2 m No apparent swell.
GC distance to Horta: 919 nm. GC course to Horta: 58 degrees
Sailed last 24 hours:
Life on board: Not very comfortable, but ok. Island sailing in the tropics
has some aspects that we already miss! Still sailing with "Yr".