Fresh winds last night - BoraBora - Niue - Tatt av vinden - day 4 - 1300 Tahiti time
Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Tue 18 Sep 2018 23:16
Position: 15:22.10 S 161:03.4 W
SOG: 6,5 kn
COG: 246
Wind: 20 kn E
Sea: 27 C
Waves: 2.5 – 3 m – interacting wave systems making it a little
uncomfortable - and some higher than 3 m occurs.
Last 24 hours: 149 nm
To go: 558 nm
Many squalls last night, raining most of the time. Wind 25 – 28 knots,
gusts: 30 (many) – 35 (several) – 40 (a few)
Just lighter showers after six a’clock this morning. Wind is remaining
stronger that GFS-prediction.
At 7 pm, last night, Mia, who was on watch, called and told that there was
no power on the autopilot. After a little confusion we engaged the Hydrovane
(windstearing). It has served us well since. After half an hour Mia called again
and told that the autopilot was back! There were also other faults, and morst of
them were corrected together with the autopilot. The first idea was that there
is a loose connection somewhere, and that is still a possibility, but another
possibility is that there is a fault in the AIS. This has happened before, and
it may corrupt the seatalk system. No big problems all together, but when we are
in calmer waters, I shall test if the AIS is the culprit.
Besides from this: Everything is well on board after an unpleasant
night. |