27:02.0N 57:01.0W - Tatt av vinden 1200 UTC 140509

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Thu 14 May 2009 13:31
COG/SOG/Motor: 96/ 21 last 24 h/ 4,5
Wind last two hours: 8 kn 40 grader
Squalls/max wind: None last two hours.
Pressure:1021 mb, rizing again.
Clouds: Almost clear sky, some few small stratus, higher: none No cumulus,
Weather/wind/sea last 24h: Some cumulus last night, a little rain in the
area last night. 4 - 10 kn SE (130 degrees) yestersday. Last night the wind
changed to NE. Light winds.
Waveheight less than 1 m swell from E. Periode 5 - 6 s. Probably NW setting
current ca 0,5 kn.
GC distance to Horta: 1582 nm.
Sailed last 24 hours: 99 nm
Life on board: Still good. Sailed with "Yr" since the day before yesterday,
They are less than 3 nM to port. "Barolo" a little further to NE, going 85
degrees. "Yppi" probably due S or SSW, maybe 30 nM. "Motgang" is probably in
the area of the forming L. They all are plotted to
We cannot see that plot on board, but for those of you who are interested...