At the anchorage
Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Tue 16 Oct 2018 19:01
Two days ago a Tcheck catamaran radioed to tell that it was standing on a
reef a mile and a half north of here. It was soon clear that the port athority
could be of no help. Two sailors from the anchorage went over in a dinghy, and
helped secure the boat to the reef. The tide was going out, and the new high
tide would be around midnight. The next day they gothered some voluntiers and
went over there to help at the high tide just after noon. We were in town in the
morning, and when we came back, in the early afternoon, the catamaran was
floating at the anchorage! Some are heros.
Later in the afternoon we heard a “bang” – it came from our boat. The wind
was fresh, and when we came on deck it looked like an Austrian catamaran had
dragged. The captain then told us that his anchorwinch was caput, and he had all
his chain out. I managed to tell the captain how to stay away from Tatt av
vinden. I mean, catamarans have two engines! He did as I told him, and we
managed to reanchor pretty fast. Luckily the holding is very good here, and we
had no problems doing this. Afterwards Mia and I went over to the Austrian to
have a talk. The captain told us that the Ancor winch har been damaged outside
Palmarston, their last stop before they came here. After some more talk it was
clear that the winch acted as in free fall mode. He had a Quick winch, same
brand as ours, but different model. I asked to take look, I had an idea. And
beleave it or not, the captain lent me a winch handle, and I tightened the
clutch. I asekd him to giv it a try – and the he had his anchor winch working as
new. He had been out for two years without knowing that the clutch was to open
for free fall and tighten for lifting the anchor.
Today I shall say goodby to Eva. he flyes to New Zealand in the afternoon.
It is a necessary precaution in case she needs immedate treatment.
Mia and I shall also welcome David as our new crew. He arrived Nuku’alufa
yesterday and meet us at the fish market in an hour.
Tomorrow morning, at 0700 am we plan to set course for Whangarei. We shall
update our position every day at noo NZ time. Just remember we are 13 hours
before European time.