Visiting family back home

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Fri 10 Aug 2018 06:10
Hopefully Kea is now on her way to Tonga.
Many sailors write about how bad and destroyed Papeete and Tahiti is. That is not our experience. Tahiti is developed, but has still a lovely nature, as soon as you get away from the town. And when you get used to the shock that follows from the change of pace from the atolls of Tuamotus to Papeete, with more than 100 thousand inhabitants, you may like the city also. We did, and we met several others who felt the same way.
Now we are back home, visiting family and collecting some important spare parts for Tatt av vinden. It has been six - seven months now since we left home.
The summer in northern Europe has, as all know, been the best ever (if you are not a pesant). But now the rain is finally here, and there is a warning of winds reaching hurricane force along the coast in Scagerak. That is rare, especially in summer time. Good to know that Tatt av vinden is in another ocean.
Beeing home for a couple of weeks makes us feel even better about our adventurous life in the Pacific. Yes, to us it is an adventure!