41:03N 27:28W Adapting to life at sea

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Tue 30 Jun 2009 12:46
always pleasant.
Yesterday we saw several whales. The first ones since in The Mediterranian
last year. We also had dolphins visiting us several times. During night
there was one that seemed to come alone. It played around the bow of the
boat for a long time, and it left long, maybe 30 m long, phophorus tracks
behind it. That we hadden't seen since we last year crossed the Bay of
The last 24 hours we sailed, according to the logg, 175 nM. That's the best
ever. Over the ground it was no more than 146 nM. Most of the difference
due to unfavourable current. (The logg may also be overestimating a little.)
We have made going directly to Camaret our plan A. This is partly because we
are on a quite northerly course to avoid an incomming low. Hopefully it will
pass us to SE Thursday. If the weather is not favourable for Camaret, La
Coruña is now plan B.
COG/SOG/Motor: 35/ 5,5/ 0 h last 24 hours.
Wind last two hours: 12 - 16 kn 230 degrees
Squalls/max wind: Max wind 24 kn. Light showers.
Pressure: 1012 mb.
Clouds: Altocumulus
Weather/wind/sea last 24h: Mainly good, Wind around W, slowly increasing to
22 kn, before last hour down to 14 kn.
Waveheight: Swell: From NW 2,5 - 3 m.
GC distance to Camaret: 1047 nm. GC course to Camaret: 59
Sailed/ motorsailed/ motored last 24 hours: N/A Distance to Camaret
shortened by N/A