Tatt av vinden - Niue to Neiafu (village) in Vavau in Tonga day 0

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Tue 25 Sep 2018 22:01
Position: 19:02.2 S 170:05.14 W
We have been under way for an hour and a half. We expect to use about 2
days and nights to get to Neiafu where we hope to pick up a mooring after
checking in. Heavy wether is expected a day or two after our arrival, so beeing
in harbour, and especially on a safe mooring will feel good.
At the moment we are running the engine, very little wind. Maybe we shall
have enough to roll out the genoa sometime during the night.
Weather is nice. And will probably be for most of the voyage.
COG: 276
SOG: 5.2 knots.
To go: 237 nm, all the way to the customs’ warf.
Everything is well on board.
To our friends: Use our mailasail address, because we are not
using the sailmail address on this crossing.
We were the only boat at the moorings in Niue. The German boat we reported
there, left just after we arrived. We would have liked to stay longer at Niue,
but the weather is the high command, so it was necessary to leave.
Niue Yacht Club (NYC) is almost nonexistant, but they take care of the
moorings and collect the fees of 20 NZ dollars per night. Their office is in the
Indian restaurant just five minutes from the harbour. And when we were in the
office of a car hire company, we also met the Commodore, Keith, who is a very
nice guy.
When we arrived at Niue, Saturday afternoon, we called Niue Radio who
responded immediately. NYC did not respond to VHF, but Radio Niue contacted them
and told us to pick up any mooring. Radio Niue also contacte Costoms for us and
asked if we could do the check in the next day, which the officer was happy to
accept. Very flexible.
More about Niue when we are in Tonga, and if we have proper wi-fi, we
intend to post pictures too.