More hiking on Dominica
Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Thu 19 Mar 2009 20:07
and "Yppi" in addition to Danish sailboat "Chilli". The people from
"Motgang" went for diving. We went to Syndicat forest. There was a short
walk in the rain forest. It was too short. Consequently the group decided
for the summit. The trail became too muddy and heavy for Eva and I, so after
an hour we decided to turn back. We agreed that the others could pick us up
along the road on the way back.
Down in the vally we had a wanderful walk along plantations. Lots of
bananas. Overwhelmingly many and full orange trees. Garpe fruit and papaya.
For the first time we also saw a field of pinapples.
After an hour and a half, a truck with local people stopped and asked us if
we wanted a lift. We climed up on the back of the truck and rided down the
rest of the vally, to the main road. Passing through the rest of the rains
forrest and rain showers, down through a very dry area, to the sea. The
driver let us off and took to the left, towards Rosea, while we turned right
to get back to Portsmouth. We reached almost to Portsmouth after two hours
when a local bus stopped and took us the rest of the way. Our friends did we
not see. Today we havent talked to them yet, but apparently they came back
much later. We were back in "Tatt av vinden" just in time for sunset and sun
Today I have needed to take it slow the whole day. Even if I slept nine
hours and a half last night.
We have loved the time here in Dominica. It is probably our favorite island
so far. Tomorrow (or the day after) we'll continue to Iles des Saints.