47:22N 12:06W - Day 8 - at last a little calmer

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Mon 6 Jul 2009 12:39
the waves are down.
This morning we had a signal of a tanker, some 13 nm away. It's course was
pretty much parallell to ours. PPA 6 nm. Just observing. No worry. Suddenly
it changed course by more than 60 degrees. Heading just towards us. CPA
estimated to 0,3 nm. Responding to a new owner of the oil onboard? I don't
think so, for after some miles, and before I called him to ask if he was
awre of us, it changed course back to the original. I wander what was
happening on board there. But it reminded us to keep a very tight lookout
for ships in the vicinity, and for what they are doing. The AIS is so good
for this, you can follow their cours, and even how fast they are altering
course. During night time in good visibility nothing can beat direct
observation of their top navigation lights, but in daytime and in bad
We always look forward to the first shower in harbour. This time, as the
watermaker does not work, we have to save water, and...
Even at sea we have regular updates from our friends in "Seawalk". It is so
good to see that they have a good time. One of the things we look forward to
in harbour, is looking into the other friends' blogs.
COG/SOG/Motor: 75/ 6,0/ 0 h last 24 hours.
Wind last two hours: 17 - 20 kn 290 degrees
Squalls/max wind: 32 kn in squalls
Pressure: 1013 mb.
Clouds: Partly overcast. Nimbostratus or stratus.
Weather/wind/sea last 24h: Partly overcast, some showers. Wind around 280,
most of the time 18 - 24 kn. Max 32 knots last night.
Waveheight: From WNW, 2 - 2,5m. (Down from 4 - 5 m at max) Swell: None
GC distance to Camaret: 292 nm (Cherbourgh: 440 nm). GC course to Camaret:
Sailed (logg)/ motorsailed/ motored last 24 hours: 146 nM Distance to
Camaret shortened by 126