25:24.0N 18:12.4W Cockpit life is picking up

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Tue 25 Nov 2008 12:33
But cockpitlife is good. The sea is smooth, and the sun shines. A day or
more to StLucia - who cares?
So far we have plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. That situation will
last for 10 days, we think. Then ther will be cabbage, oranges and apples
left, togehter with potatoes. But you can make a good salad of cabbage! The
bannas are not ripe yet, but the ship monkey (the captain) is ready for
We have not started fishing yet. Accordingly we cannot report any catch. But
be in no daoubt: We will report it as soon as the firs one is on board!