Another day in paradise

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Mon 1 Oct 2018 18:43
In Tongatapu we hope to repare our wind steering, and then just wait for an acceptable weather window, check out of Tonga and set the course for Whangarei in NZ. We have finally decided to haul out there and ship the boat from Auckland to Antwerpen in March or April. From Antwerpen we shall sail it back to Oslo (Blommenholm). Then we have done half a circumnavigation, and the only place we are sorry to miss is Vanuatu. We never longed for the Indian Ocean. Enough is enough. I shall be 73 in January, and Eva will be 63 in April. And we shall both be grand parents (Eva allready is of course) and Jotunheimen awaits us.
Sometimes we wished we were 10 years younger, but then we look at each other and are happy that we still have an acceptable health condition and that we still have the dreams and the longing.
Have a nice day!