Still Carriacou

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Sun 15 Feb 2009 16:23
exausted, Simon arrived with the lobster we ordered yesterday. Three pounds
and a half. I think we shall have to open a bottle of good white wine this
evening. Lobster is not cheap here (though not as expensive as back home),
but we have to try it of couse. It is not lobster the way we know it from
northeen Europe. It is the American species wthout the claws, languster.
Yesterday we went (by bus) to Winward. Winward is famous for traditional
boat building. There wasn't any great activity now, but a couple of boats
were in the beginning of the process. One man we talked to told us that they
had bought wrecks after the last hurricane, and restored, and was to sell.
It looked to us that they had quite a job ahead of them. But he ensured us
that they had done this before and never lost money.
Under the bottom of "Tatt av vinden" it looks more like a seafarm now. Bjørn
holds the propeller clean, but snorkeling and cleaning the whole bottom is
just beyond his capabilities... Ok some few square meters each day, and it
helps a little.
People in Carriacou is just as friendly as in Grenada. That is an important
reason we like it here. Some times we try to evaluate the women's situation.
Most of the time we get the impression of equal terms. But sometimes we also
feel that the men are the most smiling and looks more happy. But again, of
course our observations are just superficious tourist observations.
Life at anchor is good. No insects. Lots of fresh air, clean water to jump
into, no marina fees, good drinking water from the watermaker and enough
electricity from the solar panels. The shore is only a couple of minuits by
dinghy. And most of the time free internet. But tomorrow we think we will
leave for Union island.