38:45N 28:30W - First day at sea

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Mon 29 Jun 2009 12:58
Wind last two hours: 8 - 10 kn 300 degrees
Squalls/max wind: Max wind 12 kn. No showers.
Pressure: 1010 mb.
Clouds: Some small cumulus
Weather/wind/sea last 24h: N/A
Waveheight: Swell: From NW 0,5m.
GC distance to La Coruna: 944 nm. GC course to La Coruna: 67 degrees
Sailed/ motorsailed/ motored last 24 hours: N/A Distance to La Coruna
shortened by N/A
Life on board: Good. Good to be at sea again.