52:08.418N 4:39.725E Alphen an der Rijn

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Wed 22 Jul 2009 13:31
Alphen is a nice place. We stay just along the canal. This time we also dug
out our folding bicycles, and that made exploring the town a lot more fun
and easy.
One very good thing along the canals is that there are many good internet
connections. That meant that we yesterday, while we waited for the railway
bridge in Gouda to open, we could have a look at friend's blogs. We were
especially delighted to learn that the "Ohana" people have a good time in
the Pacific. On the other extreme we read about "Las Primas" who had been
striken by the lightning on Loch Ness. Three holes in the boat, and a lot of
damage. Luckily no one was hurt. We feel very sorry for them. Their website
is listed under "Other boats" on ours.