Day 15 - Tatt av vnden - 1800 UT C - 2 tredeler nådd

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Sat 28 Apr 2018 18:18
Position: 8:37.1 S 122:23.3 W
COG: 265
SOG: 5.5 kn
Current: 0.7/ 270 gr.
Sea temperature: 26.7 C
Waves: 1,5 m
Wind: ca 17 kn E.
Sailed last 24 hours: 128 nm.
Distance to Fatu Hiva: 975 nm
Weather: Very nice now, but showers with a lot of rain in the
We tried to reach “Alutia” on the radio this morning. We heard them, but
they did not har our reply. They are hopefully well anchored in the Bay of
Virgins behind the high mountains.
We had very slow progress the last 24 hours. We are a little suprised,
because we had expected more, probably the night was slower than we thought, but
as “Kea” has said: What’s the stress?
We are happy to have passed the two thirds milestone. Seeing a three digit
number for the distance to the destination gives a good feeling.
The days are very much the same, chores, reading, conversations,
communication, quizz, maybe a telephone call for one of the home bases etc.
Today hairwash and waterproduction.
The meals are always a good experience.
But the fish simply will not bite. |