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Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Sun 29 Jul 2018 22:25
We loved our days in Moorea, one of the best anchorages we have been to. We met Nala Danika from Denmark, with Anette and Allen. Last afternoon Xenia also came to the Opuona bay, and anchored just in front of us. It was nice to meet Lisbeth and Henrik again, and the six of us had a sundowner in «Tatt av vinden».
Most days the wind died away in the evenings while we were at Moorea, and so it did yesterday also. The moon came over the mountain, still almost full. We floated over 3 m deep water, and in the moonlight we could see the bottom almost as clear as in bright sunshine. Eva and I spent the evening in the cockpit, just taking in the impressions from the mild nature, knowing that it was our last evening there.
We had decided to leave for Papeete today, to have favourable wind. And so we had. It was headwind, but easy close hauled sailing for four hours. And hete we are in the nice marina again, in a good berth. In a few days we shall fly home for two weeks.