Tonga - Whangarei - 0830 local time - day 2 - Tatt av vinden

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Thu 18 Oct 2018 19:52
Position: 22:46 S 176:42 W
SOG: 6 – 6.5 kn
COG: 211 True
Wind: 20 kn E
Waves and swell: 2.5 m
Weather: Nice, 10 % clouds
Visibility: Good.
Sailed last 24 hours: 145 nm, an unfavourable current, 136 nm made
To go to Whangarei: 901 nm.
All is well on board. A little bumpy.
Nice weather through the nighet, the wind was down to 17kn.
Talked to other boats and Pacific seafarer’s net on SSB, Nala Danica on
VHF. |