28:12.0N 50:46.0W Tatt av vinden 1200 UTC 170509

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Sun 17 May 2009 13:39
COG/SOG/Motor: 70/ 6/ 0 h last 24 hours
Wind last two hours: 18 - 20 kn 240 - 250 grader.
Squalls/max wind: One - 36 kn, heavy rain.
Pressure: 1011 mb, slowly rizing from 1009 at the lowest.
Clouds: Some heavy cumulus, higher: (probably) some altocumulus.
Weather/wind/sea last 24h: Some cumulus last night. Wind around 16 kn. One
heavy squall 0900 UTC, 38 kn, heavy rain.
Waveheight: 2m from W
GC distance to Horta: 1268 nm. GC course to Horta: 55 degrees
Sailed last 24 hours: 127 nm
Life on board: Still good. Sailing conditions are good except in squalls.
Dead downwind. Still sailing with "Yr" eho is 2,5 nM ahead of us.
Else: Happy constitution day!