14:54.6N 54:59.7W St Lucia Day

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Sat 13 Dec 2008 18:11
StLucia. The connection is perhabs as obvious as it seems?
We are moving towards destination in less than 4 knots. There is no promise
of more wind. With still about 360 nM to go we shall have to sail one third
without starting the engine. So our ETA on 16th December is on question, but
we still think we shall make it just in time for sunset that day.
Beautiful day in the cockpit though. And we are going to celebrate the Lucia
day. Not the national day of the island, but the one that are celebrated
with candels back home in all the kindergardens. Candels are not allowed on
this ship, but we have an LED head light. Eva will dress in white of course,
luckily she bought something suitable in Tunisia. The special cookies for
the occasion is made with saphrane. There is saphrane in our home baked
bread, and that shall have to do (actually much better of course).
We will probably swallow it down with some red wine. Back home red wine is
mixed with water, cloves and cinnamon added, some raisins and almonds,
served hot. We shall divert from that tradition and drink the wine plain.
Happy Lucia to everyone, especially all who are heading for Rodney Bay!