This morning C’est si bon, Kea and Jovial hove anchor and set course for
Raroia in the Tuamotus archipelago. It will take them 4 days to get there.
Two days ago we had a fine gothering, all four Norwegian boats here, at the
snack bar where the dinghy dock is.
We still had to tank diesel, fill cooking gas, get some laundry done, and
do some provisioning. You can get most of what you need for provisioning here.
You may have to go to different shops to get it all, but the only thing we had
problems getting was eggs. There are a lot of hens here, still eggs are scares.
But this morninng we were lucky and got hold of three dusins.The food prices are
high, but we come form a high cost country, so it does not feel so bad.
We plan to sail to Ua Pou, some 45 nm south of here on Thursday. We shall
probably stay there a few days, then set course for Kauehi atoll in Tuamotus.
That will probably gve us a more faourable course than to Raroia, and the pass
into the lagoon is easier.
It has been very good to have some more relaxing days here. The only bad
thing is that the anchorage is very rolly from tme to time. But the holding is
secure, and there are about 50 boats in