Preparations, preparations all day now

Tatt av vinden
Bjørn Larsen
Tue 19 Nov 2013 18:50
Two good news today: The watermaker is repared. The sending of e-mails over
SSB (HF) works. The last problem Bjørn sorted out himself, but the watermaker
took hard work from the Schenker people, guided by Jim MacDonald from Mactra.
And in the end the membranes had to be changed too, to get the salinity
It really pays to buy from someone who knows what service is, and Jim, who
is reknown for his ability to follow up, really convinced me. He is great. And
the engineers from Schenker did a very fine job. Good people. Now the watermaker
is upgraded, and probably will last for another five years.
That was two very good experiences in two days. Yesterday Ed from Mailasail
came on board and fixed the problem with the wi-fi bat. He is excellent too.
Very clever and very helpful. They are both on “Tatt av vinden’s” wall of fame
for vendors that we have the best relations to.
Tonight Eva and I can concentrate on the crew dinner. Tomorrow night Lars
will arrive, and Thursday we shall, all three of us, attend the Jeanneau dinner
that we are invited to.
Then there are safety briefings on “Tatt av vinden” and provisioning. Eva
has made up the lists for meat and for fruit and vegetables. The last one being
much longer than the first one... Delivery on Saturday.
It is getting colder every day now, but according to calculations we shall
be in a hotter climate in 10 days. We are looking forward to warmer night watces
in the cockpit, looking at the stars. Talking about the sky, tomorow we shall
attend a seminar given by an astronomer on the subject “What to expect in the
sky during the crossing”. We are looking forward to
that. |