position 29:02.0N 33:07.0E
Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Tue 7 Mar 2023 08:02
By shorting the terminals I could see that the winch is working, so after dismantling the anchor switches and putting everything back together without success I have rigged up some wires for a very basic system of joining the red wire to one black for up and the red wire to the other black for down. Hopefully that will get us to our marina and I can order new switches for later.
The anchorage is so dusty here -we are down wind of a factory spewing fumes from the chimney and dust from processing rocks into aggregate by the look of things. The available selection of rock from the hills is very varied looking at the bands of different colours from brown to red and creamy sand to black. The view is quite spectacular -particular when the full moon rose above the hills. I can't spot any quarries however. The busy road that follows all the way round the peninsular passes along the coast, lorries and buses wizzing by along with few cars.