Position 12:43.0N 51:35.0E

Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Wed 8 Feb 2023 05:34
Although a slow 24 hrs we enjoyed mostly quiet sailing with the parasailor picking up the faintest of breezes and staying filled. With apparent wind just aft of the beam and more or less on course the speed kept around 3kn with wind speed 3-4kn. The engine is now on though the wind finally dying altogether at breakfast this morning.
I spent much of the day yesterday with my least favourite job of cleaning the forward heads pump. Unfortunately my efforts have been unrewarded and the pump is still refusing to draw. I thought just a leaky pipe joint but maybe a seal inside the pump. More work required today-fortunately in calm conditions.
Diana would appreciate any birthday messages (for the 10th) and news on the email (oceanrival {CHANGE TO AT} onsatmail {DOT} com). Text only & no attachments or they wont get through.