Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Sun 29 Jan 2023 03:02
Leaving the Maldives after a short stop. We had to choose between a one night stop with no costs or procedures or a longer stop with agents fees, customs, & immigration. The northern most Maldive atthol is free of resorts and we were welcomed by a large school of dolphins playing with some tuna. However the weather looks fair for the onward passage after the engine powered lull of the last day, so on we plough.
There were 3 other yachts anchored and a Swedish yacht with father and son came over to chat in their dinghy. They had cruised the full length of the Maldives, preferring this one to the more resort laden southern attolls.
Now making a steady 4 kn with 7-8 kn wind from the north in slight easy sea.
I will start reporting our position daily to the Pirate watch officials at UKMTO & MSCHOA.
Unfortunately Vodafone connected to the on-shore mast but cut us off after a couple of messages so no emails -(sorry Chris).