Position 5:55.9N 82:22.3 E

Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Sat 14 Jan 2023 04:15

Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2023 04:12:12 GMT

Saturday 14 Jan

Friday 13th survived without mishap. Wind has stayed pretty steady on the beam so no sail changes required and speed holding at 5-6Kn. The wind strength varies from 14-20 which requires Aries attention but otherwise a quiet news day.
The sun appeared back yesterday after the rain and still with us today so electrical worries are on hold.

The shipping route is visible to our south and this morning a tanker riding high with empty holds turned unexpectedly directly towards us. Fortunately he kept turning and then headed north. We assumed he had been given fresh instructions to collect a cargo from India. He then reappeared in front of us heading south. New instructions for Africa? Life as a tanker skipper must be full of fun.

Starting to think about Galle- the agent I had been in contact with hasn't replied to my email sent yesterday. We should arrive in daylight tomorrow so hope we can work out where to head for in the harbour.