position 4:12.68N 100:36.2E

Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Sun 18 Dec 2022 13:56

Sunday 18th Dec


Still at Pankor Marina. We have been back in the water for just over a week and made good progress with electronics, lighting, deck paint, sails, water, airies wind vane, bikes and on schedule for departure to Langkawi Tuesday. But today a major set back with the autohelm. I bought a replacement in our luggage as it was a casualty of the lightning strike in Medana Bay. I plugged in the 3 components a few days ago, the computer, the compass & the control head using the old wiring and everything looked fine but I couldn’t check it was working underway. So this morning I readied the mooring lines for a test trip, unplugged electricity wire and hose and Diana turned on the Autohelm switch-- No sign of life on the screen.  It was one of those all too familiar head in hands, tears and despair moments.

After checking all connections several times and pressing the on switch even harder I noticed some suspicious  burnt looking wire junctions. A junction bar with 4 of the special ‘Seatalk’ wires was severely fried and melted. It was lucky I hadn’t set fire to the cupboard.

Fortunately James the owner of the marina happened to be visiting the next door boat and he thought a replacement bar would be available at another of his locations (he is expanding the business rapidly with another Marina nearby and a 3rd in South Korea). He also suggested that electrician Nick might have one available. Nick on a catamaran from Australia was helping out the next door boat and went off to check his store cupboards-unfortunately no  joy. I also turned out my stores as I should have kept the wiring from the replacement kit but the crucial connection bar was missing. So now I wait till morning to see if James can track down the part for me.


For my record the jobs done:

7-8th Dec. Bottom paint topped up. Shaft zinc replaced. Red boot stripe freshened with hardware store paint. Gearbox back from Zaman & fitted. New pedal & shaft for D’s bike, new pedal for mine. Islam happy to finish deck paint afloat. Liferaft collected for service by Ganesan.

9th Dec Splash.

10-14th Dec.  Islam on Deck Paint (anti slip). 1st provisioning trip. Paid Shah for minding boat while away. Depth sounder moved for more reliable reading. Autohelm parts fitted. Wind vane mounted & radio aerial connection improved + lighting diffuser mounted (4 trips up mast).  New radio fitted & tested. Log not fitted-length of shaft not sufficient for old pipe. Sat coms aerial and base unit fitted. Interior lights -4 new leds. Alternator serviced. Electrician checked wiring for alternator. Asked Mr Teh Wei to make a stern wind shield for the cockpit. New backup gas tank from Shah. Black shade covers removed. Islam to mend cockpit floor-he wants to make new but cost dictates repair.

15-16th Dec Trip to Cameron Highlands.

17th-18th Dec.  Liferaft returned. Mr Teh Wei measured for aft windshield. Binnacle woodwork sanded and varnished. Compass light fitted.  Parasailor hoisted (not filled)-looks good. Water tanks filled. Wind vane fitted.


Take-a-way curry from the ferry terminal café this evening- might wander up for the footy final later.