Fwd: Fickle wind
Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Thu 19 Sep 2019 02:06
position 11 41.770S 127 49.15E
The light wind forecast has been disapointingly accurate. I am currently drifting gently at 2-3 knots with the spinaker catching the little breeze on offer. The engine was on for much of the night and quite a bit yesterday so I am happy drifting for the time being. If I continue to make 70 miles a day I will reach Kupang in 4 days time.
A nice little wind on the starboard quarter this morning prompted me to get the spinaker out and needless to say by the time I had it out and up the wind had dropped and come round more on the beam. Now it is hanging about folornly waiting for the wind like a stood up date sobbing quietly in the corner of the bar.
Looks like the engine is called for once more..
I don't think yesterdays blog got through- I had it returned twice. See if this fares better.